Seabird Group publications

The Newsletter is emailed to all members or sent by post on request. We are particularly keen to have articles on research and survey work that is in progress, so that our members have up-to-date information on ongoing projects. The Newsletter also features short reviews on journals that are not widely available for consultation.

Articles are especially welcome under the general themes of Conservation News, Research News, UK Breeding Season News, Seabird Grant Reports, Requests for Information/Help, Paper Reviews, Book Reviews and Conferences and Workshops.


The Newsletter is published three times a year. The Editor welcomes articles from members and others on issues relating to seabird research and conservation. Deadlines are: 15th January (February edition); 15th May (June edition); and, 15th September (October edition).

Submissions for the newsletter must be in electronic format and should be no more than 1500 words. Please email photographs/figures as separate files, with appropriate captions/legends and full credits.


Past copies of the Newsletter are available online in our Newsletter Archive. These are uploaded to the site a year after publication but are immediately available to members when published.