Seabird 34 (2022)
ISSN 1757-5842
KEES (C. J.) CAMPHUYSEN 2022. Mission accomplished: chronic North Sea oil pollution now at acceptable levels, with Common Guillemots Uria aalge as sentinels Seabird 34: 1-32
CLARE L. ALLEY, SHANICE ARKLESS, ELLIE AMES, MARK ABRAHAMS, LOUISE K. GENTLE AND MATT J. WOOD 2022. Plastic ingestion in adult and fledgling Manx Shearwaters Puffinus puffinus on Skomer Island, Wales Seabird 34: 33-44
NATASSIA BACCO-MANNINA, HEIDI ACAMPORA, IAN O’CONNOR, STEPHEN NEWTON AND KATIE O’DWYER 2022. An investigation into factors contributing to mortality of young terns at a managed colony Seabird 34: 45-66
EMMA J. A. CUNNINGHAM, AMANDINE GAMBLE, TOM HART, ELIZABETH M. HUMPHREYS, EMMA PHILIP, GLEN TYLER AND MATT J.WOOD 2022. The incursion of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) into North Atlantic seabird populations: an interim report from the 15th International Seabird Group conference Seabird 34: 67-73