Seabird 32 (2019)

ISSN 1757-5842


BETHANY L. CLARK, TESS HANDBY, ELIZA LEAT AND SAM B. WEBER 2019. First three-dimensional tracks for the Ascension Frigatebird Fregata aquila highlight the importance of altitude for behavioural studies Seabird 32: 1-19

SIGNE CHRISTENSEN-DALSGAARD, MAGDALENE LANGSET AND TYCHO ANKER-NILSSEN 2019. Offshore oil rigs – a breeding refuge for Norwegian Black-legged Kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla? Seabird 32: 20-32

MIKE SWINDELLS 2019. Non-breeding movements of Black-legged Kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla from a North Sea urban colony Seabird 32: 33-46

MARIE MARINÉ AND BERNARD CADIOU 2019. Breeding success, nest site fidelity and mate fidelity in the European Storm-petrel Hydrobates pelagicus Seabird 32: 46-59

JESSICA HEY, ERPUR SNÆR HANSEN AND MARK BOLTON 2019. Gull Predation on Leach’s Hydrobates leucorhous and European Storm-petrels H. pelagicus on Elliðaey Island, Iceland Seabird 32: 59-71

DANIEL T. JOHNSTON, ROBERT W. FURNESS, ALEXANDRA M. C. ROBBINS, GLEN A. TYLER AND ELIZABETH A. MASDEN 2019. Camera traps reveal predators of breeding Black Guillemots Cepphus grylle Seabird 32: 72-83

JÓN ALDARÁ, SJÚRÐUR HAMMER, KASPER THORUP AND KATHERINE R. S. SNELL 2019. Determining hatch dates for skuas: an egg density calibration curve Seabird 32: 84-95

MIKE P. HARRIS, JEZ BLACKBURN, DAVE BUDWORTH AND ADRIAN C. BLACKBURN 2019. Sule Skerry – an overspill gannetry from Sule Stack Seabird 32: 96-105

CHRISTOPHER PERRINS, OLIVER PADGET, MARK O’CONNELL, RICHARD BROWN, BIRGITTE BÜCHE, GISELLE EAGLE, JAMES RODEN, ED STUBBINGS AND MATT J. WOOD 2019. A census of breeding Manx Shearwaters Puffinus puffinus on the Pembrokeshire Islands of Skomer, Skokholm and Midland in 2018 Seabird 32: 106-118


FADIA AL ABBAR, MARIANA A. B. SILVA AND STEVE C. V. GEELHOED 2019. Leucistic Cory’s Shearwater Calonectris borealis off São Miguel, Azores, in November 2019 Seabird 32: 119-121

PETER G. RYAN, BEN J. DILLEY, MICHELLE M. RISI, CHRISTOPHER W. JONES, ALEXIS OSBORNE, ANDY SCHOFIELD, JULIAN REPETTO AND NORMAN RATCLIFFE 2019. Three new seabird species recorded at Tristan da Cunha archipelago Seabird 32: 122-125


Book Reviews