Seabird 31 (2018)

ISSN 1757-5842


CAITLIN E. BLACK 2018. Spying on seabirds: a review of time-lapse photography capabilities and limitations. Seabird 31: 1-14

STELLA CONTE, ESTER SERAFINO, MASSIMILIANO PASTORE AND CARLA GHIANI 2018. Can parental investment reduce social altruistic behaviour in Yellow-legged Gulls Larus michahellis? Seabird 31: 15-27

JOSHUA P. COPPING, PHILIP W. ATKINSON, ROLAND D. GAUVAIN AND JENNIFER GODBER 2018. Alderney’s Northern Gannet Morus bassanus population; Counts on Les Etacs and Ortac Seabird 31: 28-35

ZOE DEAKIN, LUCY GILBERT, GINA PRIOR AND MARK BOLTON 2018. Assessment of Great Skua Stercorarius skua pellet composition to inform estimates of storm petrel consumption from bioenergetics models Seabird 31: 36-47

TIM GUILFORD, OLIVER PADGET, SARAH BOND AND MARTYNA M. SYPOSZ 2018. Light pollution causes object collisions during local nocturnal manoeuvring flight by adult Manx Shearwaters Puffinus puffinus Seabird 31: 48-55

ROBERT D. HUGHES, FABRICE LE BOUARD, GARETH BRADBURY AND ELLIE OWEN 2018. A Census of the Atlantic Puffins Fratercula arctica breeding on Orkney in 2016 Seabird 31: 56-63

BRIAN G. PALESTIS 2018. Low recruitment of Common Terns Sterna hirundo in the declining Barnegat Bay population Seabird 31: 64-74

INGRID LOUISE POLLET AND DAVE SHUTLER 2018. Leach’s Storm Petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa population trends on Bon Portage Island, Canada Seabird 31: 75-83

ANNETTE L. FAYET AND PAOLO BECCIU 2018. Easternmost record of an Atlantic Puffin Fratercula arctica in the Mediterranean Sea on the coast of Israel Seabird 31: 84-87

ANDREW POWER, STEPHEN NEWTON AND IAN O’CONNOR 2017. Common Terns Sterna hirundo incubating Common Garden Snail shells Helix aspersa on Rockabill Island Seabird 31: 88-91


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