Seabird 25 (2012)

ISSN 1757-5842


PERRINS, C. M., WOOD, M. J., GARROWAY, C. J., BOYLE, D., OAKES, N., REVERA, R., COLLINS, P. & TAYLOR, C. 2012. A whole-island census of the Manx Shearwaters Puffinus puffinus breeding on Skomer Island in 2011. Seabird 25: 1-13

LERCHE-JØRGENSEN, M., PEDERSEN, J. L., FREDERIKSEN, M. 2012. Survival of breeders in a Danish Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla colony - a capture-mark-recapture study. Seabird 25: 14-21

FIJN, R. C., VAN FRANEKER, J. A., & TRATHAN, P. N. 2012. Vomit or Flush? Diet analysis using samples from spontaneous regurgitates or the water-off-load technique. Seabird 25: 22-28

CARNIEL, V.L. & KRUL, R. 2012. Utilisation of discards from small-scale fisheries by seabirds in coastal waters of Paraná State, Brazil. Seabird 25: 29-38

SHACKLETON, D. 2012. Night rafting behaviour in Great Northern Divers Gavia immer and its potential use in monitoring wintering numbers. Seabird 25: 39-46

WYNN, R. B. & KRASTEL S. 2012. An unprecedented Western Palearctic concentration of Wilson’s Storm-petrels Oceanites oceanicus at an oceanic upwelling front offshore Mauritania. Seabird 25: 47-53

FIJN, R. C., BOUDEWIJN, T. J. & POOT, M. J. M. 2012. Long-term attachment of GPS loggers with tape on Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis proved unsuitable from tests on a captive bird. Seabird 25: 54-60


Seabirds and trawlers. Seabird 25: 61-62


Reviews. Seabird 25: 63-72