Seabird 21 (2008)

ISSN 1757-5842


CARLOS, C. J., & VOISIN, J.-F. 2008. Identifying giant petrels, Macronectes giganteus and M. halli, in the field and in the hand. Seabird 21: 1-15

VAN BEMMELEN, R., & WIELSTRA, B. 2008. Vagrancy of Brünnich's Guillemot Uria lomvia in Europe. Seabird 21: 16-31

MURRAY, S., MONEY, S., GRIFFIN, A. & MITCHELL, P. I. 2008. A survey of Leach's Oceanodroma leucorhoa and European Storm-petrel Hydrobates pelagicus populations on North Rona and Sula Sgeir, Western Isles, Scotland. Seabird 21: 32-43

SWANN, R. L., HARRIS, M. P. & AITON, D. G. 2008. The diet of European Shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis, Blacklegged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla and Common Guillemot Uria aalge on Canna during the chick-rearing period 1981-2007. Seabird 21: 44-54

RATCLIFFE, N., SCHMITT, S., MAYO, A., TRATALOS, J. & DREWITT, A. 2008. Colony habitat selection by Little Terns Sternula albifrons in East Anglia: implications for coastal management. Seabird 21: 55-63

DAOUST, P.-Y., DOBBIN, G. V., RIDLINGTON ABBOTT, R. C. F. & DAWSON, S. D. 2008. Descriptive anatomy of the subcutaneous air diverticula in the Northern Gannet Morus bassanus. Seabird 21: 64-76

NEWSON, S. E., MITCHELL, P. I., PARSONS, M., O'BRIEN, S. H., AUSTIN, G. E., BENN S., BLACK J., BLACKBURN, J., BRODIE, B., HUMPHREYS, E., LEECH, D., PRIOR, M. & WEBSTER, M. 2008. Population decline of Leach's Storm-petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa within the largest colony in Britain and Ireland. Seabird 21: 77-84


WILSON, L. J., MCSORLEY, C. A., GRAY, C. M., DEAN, B. J., DUNN, T. E., WEBB, A. & REID, J. B. 2008. Rafting behaviour of Manx Shearwaters Puffinus puffinus. Seabird 21: 85-92

CRAIK J. C. A. & BREGNBALLE T. 2008. Late breeding by Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo. Seabird 21: 93-97

MONEY, S., SÖHLE, I. & PARSONS, M. 2008. A pilot study of the phenology and breeding success of Leach's Storm-petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa on St Kilda, Western Isles. Seabird 21: 98-101

CRAIK, J. C. A. 2008. Use of gulls rather than terns to evaluate American Mink Mustela vison control. Seabird 21: 102-104

RATCLIFFE, N. 2008. Use of gulls rather than terns to evaluate American Mink Mustela vison control. A response to Craik (2008). Seabird 21: 104 [

SANDERS, J. G. 2008. Fish brought to young Atlantic Puffins Fratercula arctica on Burhou, Channel Islands. Seabird 21: 105-108

