Seabird Group Seabird Group

16th International Seabird Group Conference 2026

University of Coimbra
Coimbra 2nd-6th September 2024

The XVI International Seabird Group Conference is being organised by the research group ECOTOP (Ecology and Conservation of Top Predators) based in Coimbra, Portugal. The ECOTOP is part of the Research Centre MARE (Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre) and the Associate Laboratory ArNet (Aquatic Research Network). The ECOTOP members Jaime A. Ramos, Vítor H. Paiva, José Xavier, Ana Cláudia Norte, Filipe R. Ceia, Jorge Pereira, Pedro Miguel Araújo and José Seco welcome you to the University of Coimbra, established by King D. Dinis in 1290, from 2 to 6 September 2024.

We will have an exciting programme to present the latest seabird research, together with social events that characterize the cultural and student atmosphere of the University of Coimbra. There will be two and a half days of talks and posters complemented by Keynote speakers, workshops for early career scientists and an optional day of fieldtrips.

Further details and registration can be found on the conference website: